Katie asks: Okie my last question didn’t really help me with the answer…i have no idea where the layer folder is, no idea! I want to make a picture transparent for a banner I’m doing but i can’t find the layer folder and the new website for Photoshop is driving […]

Jessica asked: I’ve seen some AMAZING photos done this way, but have no clue what it is, or how it is done. Can anyone open my eyes to this art? Photoshop Tutors answered: Most digital cameras are only able to capture a limited dynamic range (the exposure setting determines which […]
Q&A: What is HDR Photography? And How Does One Do ...

Minnie asked: Can i get the exact instructions to do this? im a beginner at Photoshop and i dont know how to do these things. Can you give the exact instructions to make the photo all black and white and make some parts colored?does anyone know what im talking bout? […]